Baroque Horse Association

Breed Eligibility

In order to be eligible to be registered the horse must have at least 25% of one or more of the accepted Baroque breed(s).
  • A horse that is 100% of a single baroque breed is to be considered purebred.
  • A horse that has 50% to 99% of a single baroque breed where the other 1% to 50% is another baroque breed is to be considered half-bred.
  • A horse that has 25% to 49% of a single baroque breed where the other 51% to 75% is another baroque breed is to be considered part-bred.
  • A horse that has 25% to 99% of a single baroque breed where the other 1% to 75% is a non-baroque breed or is of unknown origins is to be considered a sport horse.
  • A horse that has 1% to 24% of a single baroque breed where the other 76% to 99% is a non-baroque breed or is of unknown origins is the be considered a heritage horse.
Horses with 24% or less of a single baroque breeds is not eligible for registration within the Baroque Horse Association unless it is the offspring  of an approved mare and/or stallion.
Half-bred, Part-Bred and Sport Horses all may compete in any class that is not strictly reserved for purebred horses. Sport Horse classes are to encompass Sport horses, Part-bred horses and Half-bred horses.

Registration Levels

The Studbook and Marebook will have FOUR [4] Levels of Registration
1. Purebred [The Stallion or Mare being registered is pure and is 100% of a single Baroque Breed] Offspring will be eligible to be entered in the following levels of the Foalbook:
  • Purebred [if by another Purebred Parent of the same breed]; in the
  • Half-bred [if by another Purebred Parent of another baroque breed; if by a Half-bred or Part-bred parent]; or in the 
  • Sport Horse [if by a parent who is not of baroque breed or is of unknown origin].

2. Half-bred [The Stallion or Mare being registered is 50% to 99% of the most prevalent Baroque breed where the other 1% to 50% is of another baroque breed(s)]. 
Offspring will be eligible to be entered in the following levels of the Foalbook:
  • Half-bred [if by a Purebred Parent of a baroque breed; if by a Half-bred or Part-bred parent resulting in 50%-99% of the most prevalent baroque breed]; in the 
  • Part-bred [if by a Half-bred or Part-bred parent resulting in 25% - 49% of the most prevalent baroque breed]; or in the 
  • Sport Horse [if by a parent who is not of a baroque breed resulting in 25%-99% of the most prevalent baroque breed].

3. Part-bred [The Stallion or Mare being registered is 25% to 49% of a single Baroque breed where the other 51% to 75% is of another baroque breed(s)]. 
 Offspring will be eligible to be entered in the following levels of the foalbook.
  • Half-bred [if by a Purebred Parent of a baroque breed; if by a Half-bred or Part-bred parent resulting in 50%-99% of the most prevalent baroque breed]; in the 
  • Part-bred [if by a Half-bred or Part-bred parent resulting in 25% - 49% of the most prevalent baroque breed]; in the 
  • Sport Horse [if by a a parent who is not of baroque breed resulting in 25% - 99% of the most prevalent baroque breed]; or in the
  • Heritage Horse [if by a half-bred or part-bred parent resulting in 1% - 24% of the most prevalent baroque breed; if by a parent who is not of baroque breed or is of unknown origin]. 

4. Sport Horse [The Stallion or Mare being registered is 25% - 99% of a single Baroque breed where the other 1% to 75% is of a non-baroque breed(s)]. 
Offspring will be eligible to be entered in the following levels of the foalbook:
  • Sport Horse [if by a registered parent resulting in 25%-99% of the most prevalent baroque breed; if by a parent who is not of baroque breed resulting in 25% - 99% of the most prevalent baroque breed]; or in the
  • Heritage Horse [if by a half-bred or part-bred parent resulting in 1% - 24% of the most prevalent baroque breed; if by a parent who is not of baroque breed or is of unknown origin resulting in 1% to 24% of the most prevalent baroque breed]. 

The Foalbook contains a FIFTH [5th] level of registration that is not in the Stallion or Mare books
5. Heritage Horse [The foal or gelding being registered is 1% to 24% of the most prevalent Baroque Breed where the other 76% to 99% is of a non baroque breed(s)].
  • If crossed to a registered Mare or Stallion that produces a foal that is 25% - 99% of the most prevalent Baroque breed where the other 1% to 75% is of a non-baroque breed(s) that offspring may be registered in the Sport Horse foal book and seek registration in the Mare or Stallion books.

The "Baroque Horse Association" is a fictional association used in the Equine SIM game Le Cheval SIM.
Photos used under Creative Commons from Bolero-L.